Thursday, October 2, 2008

I see, I chew

When Mommy got up yesterday morning, she discovered I chewed up a roll of paper towels and also the seat of a dining room chair. Mommy told Daddy that from now on, put me back in my crate on the screened porch when Daddy leaves for work. I had a big day yesterday. Mommy took me out to socialize me. We stopped by Janet Lewis's house and visited Janet and Lem. Janet liked me, said I was sweet and not too hyper. Janet says I may need to have my ears taped up if they don't stand up on their own in a couple more weeks. Grace the farm sitter visited too. I got to meet her. Last night we had fun in the living room while Jasmine stayed on the couch with Mom and Dad. (Not my dog mom and dad, I mean my new mom and dad, Steph and Richard). When Dad went to bed, Mom went upstairs with him to check the email. When she came back, Jasmine was gone and did not come out of hiding until this morning.
When Daddy got me out of my crate this morning, I was sooo excited. Dad, still in his underwear, carried me to the bathroom where he put me down long enough to grab a pair of pants. He was going to slip on the pants long enough to take me outside to go potty. How was I supposed to know what he was doing? I peed right where he had me hanging, over his current Sun Magazine. Boy, Daddy sure can move fast when he wants to. Anyway, by the time he got his pants on, I had alreay peed and pooped in the kitchen, in front of the stove where I like to go for some reason. Tomorrow morning, Daddy will get his pants on first, take me out my crate and directly outside. We are all learning to adjust to my presence. All in all, things are beautiful.

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